Value Education As A Part Of Education: A Small Description On Social Perspective

Value Education As A Part Of Education: A Small Description On Social Perspective

Nilmoni Saha Roy



ABSTRACT : Values ​​and education are complementary to each other because education in ancient India was dependent on values ​​because the importance of values ​​was much higher then education of values ​​is very relevant in today’s times education system is prevalent mainly its purpose is to inculcate the values ​​of students in Guru Griha From the era of Ramayana Mahabharata we  Noting that when the students were taken to Uruguay for teaching, they were properly inculcated in values ​​education as the sole aim of each student.  Whatever the guru said or the form of education imparted in the ashram, every student accepted it wholeheartedly. The elders of each student had enough faith in this ashram education system because if a student is educated in values ​​education from childhood, his overall education development is possible.

KEY WORD: Value, Education, Social, Guru Griha, Ramayana -Maha bharat, Teacher

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