Transgenders In India: A Study Of Educational Status And Legal Rights In Educational Institutes
*Dr. Savita Saloman, (Associate Professor), Gracious College of Education
**Anila Koshy, Research Scholar, Gracious College of Education
In the present paper Transgenders in India: A study of Educational Status and Legal Rights in Educational Institutes done. In the study we selected 20 Educational institutes, 60 teachers and 17 trangenders. for data collecttion we use Questionnaire for the status of transgender Education in Educational Institute (QSTEEI) through Google Form. our OBJECTIVES is I. To study the educational accessibility of transgender in Educational Institutes. II. To analyze the legal safeguards and its implementation in educational institutes for the transgenders. III. To find out the problems faced by transgender to fulfil their educational aspirations. And HYPOTHESIS H 1. There is significant difference in accessibility of education between transgender and dominant genders. H 2. There is significant difference existence and implementation of legal rights for transgender community in improvising the educational accessibility in India. H 3. There is significant difference in the fulfillment of educational aspirations of transgender students. our conclusion of The studies revealed that the transgender community has a low educational level, transgender people felt excluded from the curriculum, and faces barriers to education. Major findings of the study showed that transgender students experienced discrimination, intolerance, and physical and mental harassment in school due to their sexual orientation and gender identity. Transgender and gender diverse students avoided their school because they can’t conform to the gender stereotypes dominant within the school. There is a lack of proper learning environment within school boundaries for the education of transgender children, because of their sexual orientation and gender identity, and face stigma. It is recognised that there is a need for reform in the educational system including that in the curriculum, for better representation of the Transgender community. However, only education can empower the community from within to make each one of them self-sufficient and confident.
key word : Transgenders, Educational Status, Legal Rights, Educational Institutes
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