June’2023 Issue-II, Volume- XI

Paper No.TitleAuthorPage No.
1Production of Major Crops in HaryanaDr. Parveen Kumar3-8
2Effectiveness of breathing exercises on respiratory parameters of individuals with respiratory problemsMs. Rini George & Dr. Mrs. Kirti Mangesh Jamdar9-18
3भारत में महिला राजनीतिक सहभागिता : एक विवेचनात्मक अध्ययनMAHESH KUMAR19-26
4पशुधन का अर्थशास्त्र : एक विश्लेषणडॉ. खुशबू राठी27-29
5साहित्य में स्त्री विमर्श का भविष्य और प्रगति की असीम संभावनाएंDr. Preeti Yadav30-33
6भारताच्या आंतरराष्ट्रीय व्यापारशर्तीतील प्रवृत्तीडॉ. एस.एम.कोल्हापूरे34-38
7The Role of Motivation in Advancing Green ICT for Environmental SustainabilityMr. Amit Adhikari, Dr. Amit Kumar Pandey, Dr. Santanu Biswas & Prof. (Dr.) Asis Kumar Dandapat39-46
8Emphasize on Effective Academic Research Quality in a Transdisciplinary ContextDr. Chandan Mandal & Mira Mandal48-53
9Harnessing Technology in Education: Enhancing Institutional Quality and PerformanceDr. Tamal Jana & Dr. Ramkrishna Ghosh54-62
10Assessment of Learning Outcome of Differently Abled Learners: Formative Tools and Techniques Used for Specific DeficienciesDr. Sohini Ghosh63-72
11The Intersection of Performing Arts and Psychology: Exploring the Therapeutic Potential and Cognitive ImpactSoma Mondal73-82
12Integrating Digital Literacies into English Language Teaching: NEP 2020Sukumar Pradhan83-92
13Shakuntala Unveiled: Rediscovering the Timeless Tale of Abhigyan ShakuntalamSupriya Debnath93-100
14Reviving the Ancient Wisdom: Exploring Sanskrit’s Role in Modern EducationDr. Debanjan Das101-105
15Pre-School Education And Parent’s RoleMr. Susanta Sarkar106-111
16The Role of Teacher Education in Boosting Sustainable DevelopmentSajal Dey112-114
17Women Empowerment To Promote Gender Equality In Modern SocietySarthak Paul115-121
18Study On Mental Stress Among The Athlets And Non-AthletsDr. Sanjay D. Kokate122-126
19The Educational Thoughts of Michael Madhusudan Dutt: Role and InfluenceKamalendu paira127-131
20भारत में आर्थिक विकास की क्षेत्रीय संरचना की प्रभावशीलता का अध्ययनकन्हैया लाल केसरी132-139
21A Study on Agriculture Development in VidharbhaDipak  B. Shambharkar & Dr.Narendra S. Bagde140-143
22Agricultural Economics in India: Analyzing the Current Challenges and OpportunitiesDr. Balasaheb Sadashiv Lad144-147
23শ্রীমদ্ভগবদ্গীতার ভাবনায় প্রকৃতি ও পুরুষ
(Śrīmadbhagabadgītāra bhābanāẏa prakr̥ti ō puruṣa)
ড. সুদীপ্তা হালদার মাইতি
(Dr. Sudipta Haldar Maity)