Fake Product Detection in Python

Fake Product Detection in Python

Vijay Bandu Lande,

PG Scholar

Department of computer Science,

G.H. Raisoni University, Amravati India

Received on: 11 May ,2024          Revised on: 18 June ,2024          Published on: 29 June ,2024

Abstract :  This paper present a machine learning approach for detecting fake product using python. The study focuses on the use of machine learning algorithm to classify product as genuine or counterfeit based on various features. The dataset used for experimentation is preprocessed, and different machine learning models are trained and evaluated for their performance. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in detecting fake product with high accuracy and provide insight into future research directions.

Index Terms –  Machine Learning , Support Vector Machines (SVM) , Natural  language processing(NLP).

Doi Link – https://doi.org/10.69758/GIMRJ2406I8V12P028
