A Thorough Analysis of the Address Corrector: Improving Validity of Data and Reliability

A Thorough Analysis of the Address Corrector: Improving Validity of Data and Reliability

1Vikas Choudhary

1Master of Computer Application

1Shatam Technologies, Nagpur, India

Received on: 11 April ,2024          Revised on: 26 May ,2024,          Published on: 01 June ,2024

Abstract :  This paper explores the creation of the Shatam Address Corrector, a complex system based on contemporary technologies like Java, Jetty, AWT, and Docker for robust backend development, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for smooth frontend implementation, and Lucene for effective data indexing and searching. Fundamentally, the system is built to parse more than 10,000 addresses in ten seconds or less, demonstrating its fast processing power.

The main goal of this project is to provide an intuitive user interface that will enable users to accurately and systematically arrange their address data in an easy-to-use manner. This system seeks to optimize address rectification by utilizing state-of-the-art technology design concepts. It focuses on improving accuracy and efficiency for addresses in the United States and Canada.

 This paper explains the broad objectives of the project, goes into great detail on the complex technological architecture of the Shatam Address Corrector, and emphasizes how crucial this system is to transforming the address correction industry. This research clarifies the critical role that the Shatam Address Corrector plays in developing address correction techniques for the present day by thoroughly examining its goals, design, and relevance.

DOI Link –https://doi.org/10.69758/RWOT6417
